Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemeines
Work-based learning conceived globally
With contributions of international experts from research and practice, the BIBB’s new collection of UNEVOC project results opens up a global perspective on the subject of work-based learning in the context of vocational education. Work-based Learning as a Pathway to … Weiterlesen
Report from the National Dissemination Workshop in Greece
To continue with the line of Soufflearning events, on July 16th 2015, our Greek partner the VET centre IRIS organized a dissemination workshop in the city of Egio about 170 km from Athens.
Report From The Spanish National Dissemination Workshop
After thoroughly testing and further developing the Soufflearning method over the last several months, on April 28 we organized a national dissemination workshop for Spain. The event, which was hosted at our partner organization the Badajoz Chamber of Commerce, targeted … Weiterlesen
Newsletter 2 for Soufflearning 2 is now online!
We are happy to announce that the second newsletter for the Soufflearning project 2013-2015 is now available for download in five languages here. In it you will gather a quick overview of Soufflearning as a method for training and development, … Weiterlesen
What others are saying about Soufflearning: Feedback from Greece
After the pretests have been successfully completed among our partner organizations, it is time to take stock of this years training efforts. We are constantly aiming to improve the Soufflearning methodology and actively look for feedback from everyone involved. Therefore, … Weiterlesen