Archiv der Kategorie: Workplace-learning
How to give constructive feedback to employees
What is constructive feedback? For a lot of people the word “feedback” carries a negative connotation. It smacks of performance reviews, being called to the boss’s office, ultimatums and being scolded. Of sitting at your desk for the rest of … Weiterlesen
The benefits of vocational training for employees
In the last article we looked at how advanced training programs can benefit companies and employers. From increased productivity and innovation over higher employee retention to knowledge transfer within the company, there are plenty of good reasons to invest in … Weiterlesen
The benefits of vocational training for employers
Today’s job market is one of constant change and development. The days in which a person would have one occupation or be employed at one company their entire life are long gone. The coming generations of employees will most likely … Weiterlesen
Informal learning within work processes
Prof. Dr. Dehnbostel recent published an interesting article in the elearning journal titled “Perspectives on vocational learning and eLearning: Informal learning within work processes”. The piece talks about the development of vocational training and the roles of formal and informal … Weiterlesen
Lifelong Learning in Europe (Infographic)
The current status of vocational training in Europe and surrounding countries after a survey by Eurostat. They interviewed people between 25 and 64. The percentage shows the share of those who stated they received any kind of training or education … Weiterlesen