French partnership with national training funds organisation for SMEs

In France, the GIP-FAR (Groupement d’Intérêt Public de Formation de l’Académie de Rennes), partner of the European project Soufflearning, has signed a partnership with a national training funds organisation called AGEFOS PME.

AGEFOS PME is one of the main training funding organisations in France with more than 300.000 member SMEs, which represent over 5 millions of workers. The role of this organisation is to collect funds and finance training activities and contracts.

Within this partnership AGEFOS PME and GIP-FAR use Soufflearning trainings (project leaflet, fr., PDF 4 p.) in various SME on the territory of the town of Lamballe. On this territory an innovative approach of territorial management of jobs and competencies is experimented by AGEFOS PME and the Soufflearning method is welcome to advantageously fulfil the needs of local companies:

  • company ADEXIUM (call center) with the accompaniment of team managers to improve telephone interaction competences,
  • company CASCO SAS (meat import/export) with the training of employees on the communication in English for better customer response and for the relation with their foreign suppliers,
  • company EMERAUDE PAYSAGE (Landscape) with the accompaniment of employees on commercial negotiations.

These accompaniments of Soufflearning will be followed by a conference in order to disseminate the outcomes and the results of the Soufflearning project. This conference will be held at the Lycée Henri Avril in Lamballe, Brittany, France, on the 10th of July 2012.

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