Impressions from the Soufflearning workshops in Albacete, Spain (25./26.3.14)

On March 25th and 26th CIFP AGUAS NUEVAS, as a partner in the SOUFFLEARNING II Project , held a “Train the trainers workshop on Soufflearning methodology”. Representatives of companies mainly in the aeronautical sector attended the workshop to be trained in Soufflearning by experienced coaches Tara Winzker and Kristin Auer, from the coordinator partner Bonn Science Shop.

The first day gave the attendants an overview of Soufflearning by means of a presentation which introduced general concepts and essential aspects of the method. The participants were also given the opportunity to express their expectations regarding the workshop.

During the workshop itself, which took place on the second day, Tara and Kristin, after providing participants with the basic theoretical knowledge of the method’s fundamentals, lead way to practical examples and used the questions raised in both days to show how a typical Soufflearning program can be implemented in companies.

The preferred didactic resource during the workshop was role playing, and it proved particularly useful for attendants to participate in developing the steps and stages of an average Soufflearning working session:

After a given initial situation (determined by the identification of training needs), participants defined the principles of a good, motivating kick-off workshop, initiated by an important premise: the “key question”, which should spark the trainees’ participation.

Next, work groups elaborated the checklists which should guide every Soufflearning process and experienced how “accompaniments” should be carried out by role-playing once again. A debate on how to provide effective feedback followed, and lastly participants planned and developed the closing workshop.

The workshop’s main characteristics were interaction (growing as it progressed) and the Exchange of ideas, skills and techniques among the different participants. Work groups were diverse and during role-playing participants were encouraged to change roles.

The workshop was well received by all participants and many important questions, especially about the implementation of Soufflearning in the technical sector, were raised.

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