During the workshop for VET organzations and trainers in Italy on May 3rd, 2011 interesting discussions on several subjects came up. Here are some of them:
- In the opinion of the Italian trainers it is better to concentrate only on some training needs than on too many within one Soufflearning project unless they all belong to one aspect, for example to the field of communication.
- An accompaniment of two hours was also considered as more effective than an accompaniment of just one hour.
- Another interesting point that was discussed was if the employees might be afraid of loosing their job if the trainers give them a bad feedback. We came to the conclusion that it is mainly the task of the trainers to build up trust during the kick-off-workshop and when working with the single employee. A motivating feedback talk takes fear instead of causing anxieties.
Soufflearning is a training method that supports the employee in improving skills instead of questioning a job position. Soufflearning will even help to secure jobs.
During the workshop the trainers simulated a motivating kick-off-workshop in a role play and found it easy to create a check list in cooperation with their listeners. It depends on the right questions but once started the participants of a kick-off-workshop will tell about their experiences, opinions and ideas.
I look forward to further discussions on Soufflearning on the homepage and during the next workshops in France, the Czech Republic and Germany.