Proyectos anteriores

Proyecto piloto Renania del Norte- Westfalia 2005-2007 „Soufflearning para las pequeñas empresas“

Los seminarios externos agotan a un personal muy necesario de las empresas pequeñas y con frecuencia se sitúan lejos de los asuntos cotidianos de la empresa. Por lo tanto, en un proyecto de cooperación de Iniciativa para la Formación Profesional NRW 2005 por netz NRW eV y Bonn Science Shop e.V. el método de Soufflearning fue desarrollado y probado específicamente para responder a las necesidades y requerimientos de las pequeñas empresas y organizaciones.

El proyecto piloto tuvo una duración de cerca de seis meses. Se llevaron a cabo Talleres de 1-2 horas de on-the-job-training en diferentes empresas. El personal directivo y los empleados fijaron metas para los cursos formativos y ahora aplican directamente lo aprendido en situaciones concretas en el lugar de trabajo. Ya entonces estuvieron acompañados por los formadores y recibieron feedback personal.

Soufflearning en Europa

En el Proyecto Leonardo -da- Vinci- Transfer* (10 /2010 – 09/ 2012 ), Soufflearning se transfirió a las organizaciones asociadas en Francia , la República Checa, Italia y en la región de Alta Lusatia en Alemania.

Las PYMEs que participaron en los cursos de formación de la fase de resultados mejoraron su rentabilidad y la productividad de la plantilla . La disposición de sus empleados a participar en actividades de formación y continuar formando parte de las acciones de Formación Profesional aumentó . Los formadores involucrados en el proyecto profundizaron y mejoraron sus habilidades profesionales y sociales.

Los resultados de las experiencias se presentaron a las partes interesadas más relevantes con el objetivo de continuar con la formación en las PYME después de que el proyecto hubiera terminado. Además, se establecieron sub-redes de colaboración entre PYMEs, institutos de formación profesional y formadores a nivel nacional para aumentar la difusión del concepto de formación Soufflearning.

*Soufflearning – Learning by prompting:
On-the-job Training and Qualification for Small and Micro-sized Enterprises

Socios del Proyecto Soufflearning 2 (2010-2012)

Logo der Groupement d'Interet Public - Formation de l'Academie de Rennes
Mr Bertrand Boudey
6, rue Kleber
3500 Rennes
tel: +33.299251182
bertrand.boudey [at]
Groupement d’intérêt public formation de l’académie de Rennes
For vocational training in France organisations and networks play an important role at the regional and local level. The GRETA, groups of schools and education institutions for adult training in close geographic proximity build a nationwide network. They are supported by their Educational Academic Centre named „GIP“ in every french region.

GIP-FAR is such a centre for the 4 Greta network of Brittany/Bretagne. These Greta (which head offices are located in Quimper, Lorient, St-Brieuc and Rennes) represent a great network of 260 schools, 50 vocational training counselors, 250 employed trainers and 700 free lancers and 2100 client enterprises. The assignements of GIP-FAR are: Training the trainers, training course design, validation of skills acquired through experience, consulting, fundraising for training, research and development (esp. through European Projects).

Logo der Euroform RFS

Mr Giampiero Costantini
P.zza della Libertà, 40
87036 Rende (CS)
tel: +39.0984.467735
info [at]
About Euroform
Euroform RFS has been operating in the vocational guidance and training field since 1996, with the main goal of working as channeling vehicle between the labour market’s supply and demand, by …

  • Providing better understanding of the European labour market dynamics;
  • Increasing opportunities to enhance knowledge and competencies;
  • Working actively to foster a better integration of the labour forces;

The association is a training agency officially accredited by the government of the Calabria Region. Its main activities focus on vocational and continuous training, adult education and youth guidance, turning particular attention to international mobility by implementing placement programs for students, young workers and post-graduates, and exchange programs for education experts and teachers.

Euroform areas of expertise encompass a wide range of disciplines, and since 1998 the organisation implemented several successful placement and exchange projects in the framework of the European program Leonardo da Vinci: every year it offers the possibility to gain work experience in other European countries to over 300 youngsters.

In fact, in 2003, Euroform RFS founded the International Mobility Desk (SMI) in partnership with the administration of Cosenza Province and Calabria University (UNICAL). In its first three years of service, the SMI has delivered excellent supporting services to youth searching and applying for European mobility programs.

Logo der Alvit Innovation Education

Mr Martin Pokorný
Na Hradbách 1922/15
702 00 Ostrava
?eská republika
tel: +420.774242507
martin.pokorny [at]
The company was founded in 1994. Today, it is presented by a group of young, enthusiastic project managers with very close connection to local universities in the Moravian-Silesian region. The basic impulse for their work is the location and the historical
background of the region, with over 1,3 million residents. This area has been for a long time orientated mainly in the mining and heavy
industry with all the effects on its population.

ALVIT offers and provides opportunities to improve these peoples‘ lives through training, transfer of innovation and lifelong learning

Key activities of the ALVIT company are transfer of innovation from our partners to our region. In the framework of the European Social Fund we develop our own innovation for trainers to improve their competitiveness. For actual information please check

ALVIT is part of the European network CO.N.E.CT – an international non-for-profit association, too. It is formed by several organisations located all over Europe with the aim of promoting:

  • social inclusion
  • local development
  • European knowledge and active citizenship
  • equal opportunities for all
  • value and diversity of the European culture, language and citizenship
  • exchange of knowledge
  • sharing of good practices, ideas, skills and models both inside the CO.N.E.CT network and with other networks
  • personal and professional development
  • access to training and transnational education.

Logo des Wissenschaftsladen Zwittau

Dr Daniel Ludwig
Karl-Heinz Reiche
Innere Weberstr. 28
02763 Zittau
tel: +49.3583.611259
kontakt [at]