The German symposium „Soufflearning – New upward trend of workplace learning“ took place on June 29th 2012 at the City Hostel Cologne-Deutz. The full documentation of this event is uploaded now (available only in German).
More than 50 participants made up of vocational education centres, training & consulting, companies & networks, science and politics of education discussed in a lively exchange of information and experiences. National and international interim results of Soufflearning met with a very big response. A majority of experts present expressed positive acknowledgement of this learning approach based on staff competencies and participation. Unanimous opinion:
The conference event was succeeded rich in content and well-organised with a pleasant ambiance of connecting people.
Click here for more details: Dokumentation der Tagung
Review on the German Soufflearning-Conference
Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Lernen am Arbeitsplatz, Networking, Veranstaltungen abgelegt und mit competencies, conference, corporate culture, development, learning, organizational culture, participation, work-based learning, workplace verschlagwortet. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.