Lista de enlaces


  • ‚Teacher as consultant‘ – Helping SMEs define their training needs
    (AMU-Center DK, 1999-2001); Leonardo da Vinci Series Good practices 07 –
    „Building skills and qualifications among SME employees“ [2003]ISBN 92-894-2178-9; PDF p.7
  • Charles Jennings Duntroon
    On embedding learning in the workplace
    Papers, Articles and Interviews

    Learning on the Job – article in Global Focus, the journal of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). Volume 4 Issue 1, 2010

    When Learning is the Work: Approaches for supporting learning in the workplace
    Leaving the Golden Age of Training of formal development and training. Blog-post 2011-4-28

  • Theoretische Überlegungen zum Lernen in der Arbeit
    In: Andreas Diettrich, Matthias Kohl
    Qualifizierung von IT-Fachkräften zwischen arbeitsprozessorientiertem Lernen und formalisierter Weiterbildung
    Eine empirische Untersuchung und Bewertung der Qualifizierungspraxis auf Ebene der operativen und strategischen Professionals; Wissenschaftliche Diskussionspapiere Heft-Nr. 91 (BiBB 2007); pp. 16-35
  • The Trier Guide-Book of Further Education Consultancy (ed. 2008)
    … is a collection of methods and instruments for practical experience in SMEs. This guide-book addresses to Small scale entrepreneurs, employers, independent contractors and freelancers, human resources assistants, provider of learning services, management consultants, shop committees or trade unions. One of the important results: Regional SME Supply Networks are suitable to establish further education consultancy. They are meeting points of private and public activists exchanging experiences and sharing ideas. Professionals succeed with the Trier collection of tools in analysing training needs of SMEs for their human resources development. The Trier Guide-Book of Further Education Consultancy contains different checklists, forms and worksheets.
  • Lernen im Betrieb
    im Spannungsfeld ökonomischer und pädagogischer Interessen

    Authors: Andreas Diettrich; Matthias Vonken
    In: BWP 1/2011 Lernen im Betrieb; pp. 6-9
  • Abstract: The conflict between pedagogical and economic interests in
    company-based learning. Research and practical challenges.

    „Company-based learning frequently takes place at the workplace rather than in didactically organised learning environments. The workplace is an area where pedagogical and economic interests clash. Although company-based learning develops further, it is a field which has been the object of comparatively little research. The paper states the specific aspects of company-based learning, traces the changes which have occurred in forms of learning and highlights perspectives for a type of company VET research which is aligned in a much more interdisciplinary manner.“

  • Jay Cross The Informal Learning Page
    Rediscovering the Natural Pathways That Inspire Innovation and Performance
  • LEED Programme 2010-2011
    Leveraging training: skills development in SMEs
    This project seeked to identify ways to overcome the barriers to workforce development in small and medium-sized enterprises. Competence building activities are largely performed in-house, are interactive and can involve external resources from other companies or organisations.
    Thus the project aimed to examine local skills and training ecosystems of selected regions to learn how skills systems can be accelerated to support skills upgrading activities that generate results for all employees, employers and the local area. This analysis was performed by workshops with local stakeholders that include industry, training organisations, universities and colleges and government organisations.
    Belgium, Poland, New Zealand, Turkey and the United Kingdom participated in the project supported by the European Commission. Skills and training ecosystems in these countries were analysed through workshops led by the OECD Secretariat, individual country reports had been published mid-2011.
  • KMU.Kom – Verfahren zur Kompetenzdokumentation und Personalentwicklung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen.

    Das KMU. Kompetenzbuch (KMU.Kom) richtet sich an die Beschäftigten in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, und zwar an Mitarbeiterinnen/Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte mit Personalverantwortung gleichermaßen. Herausgeber sind das Bildungswerk der Hessischen Wirtschaft e. V., Dr. Cornelia Seitz und das DIPF.
    „Erfahren Sie, wie Ihre eigenen Stärken und Potenziale durch Selbst- und Fremdbewertung sichtbar werden, über welche Kompetenzen Sie verfügen. Nach einer Bearbeitung, online oder in der Printfassung, haben Sie Ihr Kompetenzprofil stets zur Hand. Sie wissen, was Sie können und was Ihre Ziele sind.“