Voices on Soufflearning: Feedback from Badajoz, Spain

Soufflearning feedback Pilar SerranoTo improve the Soufflearning methodology, in the coming weeks we will conduct a number of interviews with participants from the first round of pretests. Trainers, employees and employers who took part in Soufflearning trainings will share their insight and opinions on the method from their own personal perspectives.

Today we are talking to Mrs Pilar Serrano. She is one of the trainers who took part in the Soufflearning sessions at our partner Camará Badajoz in Spain. Mrs Serrano currently teaches in the Spanish public primary education system. She also has extensive experience in adult education, occupational training and non-formal vocational training for trade unions, municipalities, educational authorities and training private companies.

Here is what she had to say about the Soufflearning method:

1. What convinced you to take part in the project and try out the Soufflearning methodology?

Although I’m currently teaching in the formal education system, I’m very interested in new innovative and informal training methodologies. As soon as I heard about the opportunity to participate in Soufflearning, I got in touch with the Chamber of Commerce to learn more about this new training method.

2. In which area did you employ Soufflearning trainings?

I was conducting a Soufflearning process in a business related to the design and assembly of kitchen furniture. We used Soufflearning work in customer care, time management, trade sales and other areas.

3. What did you find most surprising? What was completely new to you?

Combining theory and practice. Usually when it comes to work-based learning, it consists predominately of theoretical lessons as compared to practical training. In this case, all the training is approached from the practical side, providing just little sessions of theoretical input.

4. What outcomes did you see?

An increased desire in participants to improve every day to continue growing their business. Instead of acquiring knowledge in some classes, Soufflearning allows people to get better gradually, providing a sustainable effect on motivation levels.

5. Where do you see the biggest benefits of the method?

Directly being able to monitor people in their workplace. That way we gain first-hand knowledge about the areas of improvement and progress of training. Having this direct feedback is very satisfying for a trainer.

6. What did you find most challenging and where do you see room for improvement?

The fact that someone is constantly „watching“ and „taking notes“ can sometimes be hindering for the participant’s performance. For this reason, it is important to establish trust with the employees. This is the hardest part: getting the employee to feel comfortable being watched.

7. How likely do you think it is that you will keep working with this methodology?

In our area an important consideration for teachers, especially in the field of formal education, is that training methods need to be officially recognized and result in an official certificate of some kind. This would probably increase the likelihood using it further.

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