To improve the Soufflearning methodology, we are currently conducting a number of interviews with participants from the first round of pretests. Trainers, employees and employers who took part in Soufflearning trainings will share their insight and opinions on the method from their own personal perspectives.
Today we are talking to Ana Ambros. She is a strategy coach for entrepreneurs and teams as well as a certified coach, member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and the Aragonese Association of Coaching (AraCoach). We are very happy to hear her thoughts on Soufflearning as a training methodology.
1. What convinced you to take part in the project and try out the Soufflearning methodology?
First and foremost personal interest. I’m always eager to learn about innovative and informal in-company training methodologies.
2. In which area did you employ Soufflearning trainings?
Several areas. First of all we conducted trainings with both members of management as well as staff members. More particularly we employed Soufflearning in management, team building, meeting efficiency, time management and customer care.
3. What did you find most surprising? What was completely new to you?
Personally I found it surprising to see the high level of involvement and participation which team members brought to the table from the very beginning despite it being a new and unknown methodology. Employees appeared to feel more understood and supported because they are involved in the kick-off workshop and take part directly from the initial phase of training.
4. Where do you see the biggest benefits of the method?
Soufflearning’s effectiveness lies in the fact that trainers accompany employees in their workplace with their real problems and daily issues. That allows the trainers to get to know their skills and discover possibilities for optimization.
For that reason it is particularly important to create a safe and confidential environment during the kickoff meeting in order to achieve high employee engagement.
In our case we used a card game to evaluate and prioritize the employees‘ personal and shared values in a safe and supportive environment.
5. What did you find most challenging and where do you see room for improvement?
Accompanying employees in their workplace opens a wide range of opportunities for employee improvement, but also opens a wide range of challenges for the trainer.
It’s necessary to have adequate training and knowledge to accompany different types of workers within their real working environment and to provide adequate feedback objectively.
6. How likely do you think it is that you will keep working with this methodology?
After testing the new methodology and seeing its results, Soufflearning has the potential to become an important complement to my team and executive coaching services.
In addition to the individual accompaniment of employees, I see a direct application possibility for team building cases and making meetings more efficient. This could take the form of a systemic team accompaniment, both with feedback for the team as well as individual feedback.