Soufflearning per PMI

Soufflearning is specifically aimed at micro, small and middle-sized enterprises with up to 50 employees. Especially for those who don’t have any opportunity to send their staff to external seminars, it is an ideal training concept. Soufflearning is therefore suitable especially for companies from the following areas of operation:

  • Customer service, sales, goods and services
  • Health sector – doctor’s offices, hospitals, and pharmacies
  • Manufacturing and handicrafts

Diverse training opportunities

Schaubild der Fähigkeiten, die mit Soufflearning vermittelt werden können
One of the advantages of Soufflearning is its flexibility. It can be adapted to the needs of the enterprise. That way companies can directly target areas with a need for improvement. Among others, Soufflearning can be used to train the following areas:

  • Customer service
  • Management and leadership
  • Team work and communication
  • Office and reception work
  • Time management

Advantages for enterprises

In contrast to classic ways of further education, Soufflearning as a concept of vocational training offers a host of advantages. Flexibility, the ability to adapt it to individual needs, and its foundation in real work processes are on the forefront.

  • Short learning modules adjusted to the real needs and competencies of your enterprise and the staff involved in the training
  • Newly acquired skills can be immediately applied in the work place and are constantly improved
  • Learning takes place during the work hours without impeding on business operation
  • The skills of the employees to learn with each other and from each other is enhanced

Contact us

Are you interested in a Soufflearning training in your company? Do you need more information? Please feel free to contact us. You find our details in the upper right corner. For more information, please also visit our list of frequently asked questions (FAQ).