Soufflearning Trainerworkshop in Zittau, Germany

After having been in Italy and France, Kristin Auer from the Bonn Science Shop, Germany, and I were guests of our German project partner WTT Wissenschafts- und Technologietransfer e.V. in Zittau. The Soufflearning workshop for trainers took place on May 23th 2011. Seven training participants discussed for what enterprises in the region and what training topics a Soufflearning would be useful.

From the beginning on the trainers worked very application-oriented. Based on concrete training situations they prepared exemplary training plans. In their opinion short workshops on specific issues might be helpful during certain Soufflearning processes and should then be included in the training plan.

The training concept of Soufflearning partly reminded them of doing a coaching. But the creation of a checklist during the kick-off-workshop, using it during the accompaniments and doing a goal-oriented closing workshop at the end of a Soufflearning were new interesting ideas for them.

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