Schlagwort-Archive: embedded in work
Newsletter 1-2011 veröffentlicht!
Zum Auftakt der ersten Runde von Soufflearning-Einführungsworkshops ist ein Informationsbrief über das Projekt veröffentlicht und online. Bitte laden Sie hier das Dokument und – wenn Sie mögen – senden Sie uns Ihren Kommentar dazu: {filelink=24}
Veröffentlicht unter Veranstaltungen
Verschlagwortet mit embedded in work, individualised training, learning concept, methods, motivation, participation, performance, process, profit, prompting, small company, SME, training paths, transferability, value, work-based learning, workflow, workplace
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Newsletter 1-2011 released!
For upbeat of first season of Soufflearning introductions workshops an info-letter about the project is released. Please upload and – if you want – comment it here: {filelink=22}
Verschlagwortet mit embedded in work, individualised training, learning concept, methods, motivation, participation, performance, process, profit, prompting, small company, SME, training paths, transferability, value, work-based learning, workflow, workplace
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How people learn to do their jobs
„Experience is still a more important teacher in the workplace than classes or workshops …“ A model of workplace learning discussed by the Internet Time Alliance
Veröffentlicht unter Lernen am Arbeitsplatz
Verschlagwortet mit embedded in work, experiences, feedback, formal learning, guidance, impact, informal learning, know-how, knowledge, learning, learning concept, learning-by-using, methods, non-formal learning, organizational culture, outcome, performance, work-based learning, workflow, workplace, workscape
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