Schlagwort-Archive: funding
French partnership with national training funds organisation for SMEs
In France, the GIP-FAR (Groupement d’Intérêt Public de Formation de l’Académie de Rennes), partner of the European project Soufflearning, has signed a partnership with a national training funds organisation called AGEFOS PME.
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemeines
Verschlagwortet mit Advanced vocational training, competencies, conference, funding, outcome, small company, SME, training setups
Kommentare deaktiviert für French partnership with national training funds organisation for SMEs
Funding for SMEs to participate in Soufflearning
Recently a document about funding possibilities has been released by the project consortium. This overview of funding possibilities in France, Calabria, Czech Republic, Germany nationwide and Saxony regional is a starting point for the valorisation of experiences made with the … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Veranstaltungen
Verschlagwortet mit advance training, funding, further training, SME
Kommentare deaktiviert für Funding for SMEs to participate in Soufflearning