Trainer-Workshop report

On February 25th 2012 six participants took part at the Soufflearning train-the-trainer workshop of the Educational Centre of Bonn Science Shop. Workshop hours were from 9.30 a.m. until 16.30 p.m.
The workshop was held by Traute Winzker, professional coach and Soufflearning expert as well as Kristin Auer, Director of the Educational Centre. The concept and idea of Soufflearning was communicated to the audience.

Participating trainers came from different work fields: Health, Sale, Customer Care, Project Management, Job Coaching and Key Skills.

All 20 steps of a Soufflearning process were part of workshop. The aspects of the new coaching-concept were taught and discussed by using the Manual and by professional support of Science Shop

Different coaching-modules were practiced by using role-plays: startup workshop, coaching at work or individual feedback. Two special situations served as best practice examples:

Example 1: Company coaching at an Organic-Food-Store to improve sales through customer care and higher sales activity: “Happy customers through happy sales”
Content of training:

      Better relationships with clients as well as improved sales towards customer´s needs

Question of the kick-off workshop:

    Please think about a successful sales talk: What worked out best?

Example 2: Craftsmen – Company wants to improve customer service and develop time management: “We have satisfied customers”


      • We respect our customers.
      • We deliver high quality skills.
      • We are guests of our customers.
      • We are reliable, honest and transparent.

Question of the kick-off workshop:

In case of a damage caused by water in your own home: At what time of the process are you satisfied by the craftsman leaving?

At the end of the coaching workshop organizational questions about specific needs of different sectors were discussed. The feedback of participants was very positive: the individual, flexible and resource-orientated concept of Soufflearning was highly approved by all participating professional trainers. Everybody was willing to work as a Soufflear in the future.

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