Video technology in France

During the Soufflearning workshop in Rennes the French trainers told us about their experiences with video technology in France.

In France it is quite common to use video technology during in-house trainings, for example when analysing work processes, doing tutoring etc. The use of video technology is of course only done within the framework of valid data protection regulations and the agreement of all participants. Sometimes, for example when training security staff, they work with video material that is created anyway.

It was said that French employees like their work to be taken under consideration, also by video in order to improve their work situation. When using video technology during an in-house training, the feedback is mainly given by looking at the video recordings. Trainer and employee analyze and speak about what is seen on the screen. The French trainers pointed out that a verbal feedback without video material always implies the risk of feeling being judged. That is why a verbal feedback with Soufflearning has to be given in a professional way.

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