Soufflearning presented at the 5th Living Knowledge

Current experiences with regard to structuring equal partnerships between civil society and science, international networking and the exchanges between activists from all areas of engagement between universities and society – from service learning to community based research – are on the agenda of the Living Knowledge Conferences in Europe every two years.

In 2012 the venue for the 5th International Conference was hosted and organized by the Bonn Science Shop. From 10th to 12th May this conference offered a platform to actors from national and international institutions, universities, projects and networks for the collaboration and exchange of different approaches and experiences and for working out development strategies.

Beside, the Living Knowledge Conference gave several presentation opportunities for increased discussion, exploration and shared learning. Poster sessions on 11th May illustrated research outcomes, ongoing projects and experiences of the Science Shops. Kristin Auer and Norbert Steinhaus from Bonn Science Shop presented their poster about Soufflearning to answer questions and conduct conversations about this innovative method of workplace learning.

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